100ideas Oklahoma
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ContentOklahoma is ranked third in the nation in plant diversity, and yet 98% of all of Oklahoma's landscaping projects rely on non-native plant material that requires excessive amounts of water and chemicals to maintain and turns this great state into a bland homogeneous sameness devoid of spirit and character. I would rather see Indian Blanket and Blazing Star than daylilies, Indian Grass rather than miscanthus, Cedar Elm rather than Lacebark Elm... Imagine being able to drive around Oklahoma and enjoy its unique and amazing diversity right in our own cities and parks, at our rest stops, at public facilities across the state. It would be so nice for Oklahoma to look like Oklahoma so that visitors leave our state with a true sense of Oklahoma's beauty and unique character rather than using crape myrtle, nandina and holly like every other city in the nation. I highly recommend developing a "Go Native!" landscaping campaign and asking organizations that issue grants for landscaping to develop plant lists based on great plant selections from our own backyard.