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TopicPoison TV Trash
ContentIn March of 2007, law stated that standard televisions could no longer be sold in America. That is because, in Feb of 2009 all television signals will be broadcast in High Definition only, meaning you must either buy a new HDTV or purchase a special converter for your standard TV in order to receive that signal. With the average household owning two or more TV’s, that means over 8 Million televisions could be put in Oklahoma’s landfills, (Not to mention all the illegal dumping that plagues our state) enough to fill Sooner stadium three times. Each TV has, Mercury, four to eight pounds of Lead, an abundance of Phosphorous and more than 20 pounds of glass. At this time there are no plans, in any state, to deal with this mass of pollutants, which could eventually reach our ground water. I propose that Oklahoma take the lead in recycling this glut of poison, by opening a First Class Recycling Center, to deal with this issue. We could become a model for the rest of the country, or even take on the entire nation of the waste that is coming. This would create jobs and revenue, also save wildlife and human life.